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Another Milestone for Vogtle 3&4

  • By Admin
  • July 16, 2020

The closed Vessel Testing has been completed for Vogtle Unit 3, marking continued progress with critical testing.  The completion prepares it for cold hydro testing, which is a major step ahead of initial fuel load. 

The closed vessel testing verifies the pipes and valves in the reactor coolant system were installed as designed and helps ensure safety systems function properly.  To carry out closed vessel testing on the plant’s passive safety systems, workers installed the reactor vessel head as well as the lower and upper reactor internals and flow restrictors.  These will be used during hot functional testing to mimic flow through the reactor core.  

“The completion of closed vessel testing is a major milestone for the project, as we continue to make progress with critical testing and in our transition from construction towards system operations,” said Glen Chick, Executive Vice President of Vogtle 3 & 4 Construction.

Georgia Power hopes to bring 1,117-MW Unit 3 into commercial operation next year and same-capacity Unit 4 by 2022.

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