GTTSi can provide Human Performance services through assessment, consultation, lecture, and/or training with classroom interaction – tailored to your needs. Focused on both, management and the worker, and the importance of the interdependence between PREVENTION, DETECTION, and CORRECTION of Human Errors within the workplace. GTTSi has over 20 years of Human Performance experience, working with the electrical and technical industries, including nuclear, non-nuclear, and transmission and distribution. Recently, Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Human Performance has been an interesting challenge for companies supplying workforce resources for the utilities across the country.
In the past, incentives and rewards were given to suppliers based primarily on “production-based” deadlines and schedules, or as some might say, the “Get R Done” approach. Today, the industry is focusing on SAFETY as a value and therefore changing the overall priority of getting work accomplished in general. So, the challenge lies with changing and sustaining a culture that is Human Performance Behavior-Based versus a Safety Programmatic structure. All contract companies have OSHA required procedures and guidelines such as confined space, electrical safety, safe driving, fall protection, job briefs, etc. The focus now has to shift to the How, What, and Why workers must know to perform behavior-based actions that achieve successful outcomes using their procedures and guidelines. The Electric Utility Industry is now starting to realize that to have and sustain a good safety program, you have to focus on Human Performance to change and sustain the culture change. The biggest challenge to the contractors is getting Human Performance down to the working level (craft) without all the theory and convoluted concepts that in many cases do not actually prevent errors.
The following HP fundamentals in learning and application can be used to change and sustain good HP Safety Based Contractor work:
- Safety vs. Human Performance (Basic Understanding)
- 5 principles of Human Performance
- HP Defined (Behavior + Results = Performance)
- 5 simple HP Tools for workers
- Observation and Coaching assessment and training for all leaders
Based on the above basic level of understandings, error-rate is proven to be mitigated and event-rate reduced to single digit numbers that are manageable and preventable for the future. The first step is to assess the current state of the contract company and develop a gap analysis that gets them to future state alignment with their customers in the Electric Utility business. Then systematically deliver a working plan to achieve and sustain an event-free contractor workforce.