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Veteran’s Day

  • By Admin
  • November 9, 2020

Did you know that fewer than 10% of Americans can claim the title of “veteran”?

GTTSi is so proud that 80% of our employees can proudly say they are a VETERAN!

Today, less than 1% of the population is defending America, and although not all veterans will see war, all who serve are willing to give it all, if called upon to do so!

Historians say that Dwight Eisenhower was prouder of being a soldier than he was as President.

While relatively few veterans will ever reach the rank of general, pride in ones’ military service is a bond shared by nearly all who have served.  

Veterans gave us our freedom, security, and the greatest nation on earth – so please take time on Veteran’s Day to remember them, thank them, and pray for those that are now serving, their families, and America.

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