The latest class at Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant to complete 18 months of training and take their License Exam has just achieved a 100% pass rate!
Pictured is Ryan O’Conner, who obtained his Senior Reactor Operator License from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant. He is pictured with GTTSi Consultant, Larry Gentry.
Since a 100% pass on the NRC Exam is a difficult and rare occurrence, we want to congratulate all 13 operators. In addition, we send our congratulations to the Operator Training Staff at Davis-Besse and the two GTTSi team members, Larry Gentry and Christine McKim, who contributed to their success and provided systems and simulator training.
Davis-Besse is a Babcock & Wilcox pressurized water reactor, located just northeast of Oak Harbor, Ohio. This 894 MWe nuclear power plant has been operating as a commercial power plant since July 31, 1978, providing reliable, resilient electricity to Ohio and the PJM grid.
Congratulations to all.