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  • By Admin
  • January 31, 2025

Meet GTTSi team member Larry Gentry. Mr. Larry Gentry recently received his anniversary award for 10-Years of exemplary service at GTTSi. Larry is currently on assignment at Davis-Besse Nuclear Station in Oak Harbor, Ohio. The Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station is operated by Vistra Corp and has a single PWR reactor. The plant has been in commercial operation since July 31, 1978.

Larry joined GTTSi after 20 years of experience with Duke Energy as a Reactor Operator and as a Certified Senior Reactor Operator in the Initial License Training Program at Oconee Nuclear Station. He graduated Cum Laude from Indiana Wesleyan University.

In his quest for excellence in training, he developed techniques emphasizing team skills, human performance, and technical accuracy. The results are impressive – 100% pass rates for over 10 Initial License Training Classes at Oconee and Davis-Besse. He has also provided training within the Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program at Davis-Besse.

Most recently, Larry achieved Certification from INPO (Institute of Nuclear Plant Operations) as a Regulatory Exam Author and put this to use by helping with the development of the Licensed Operator Requalification Annual

Exam at Davis-Besse.

GTTSi is proud to be a part of the important work done at Davis Besse, and our participation is made possible by working with experts like Larry Gentry. He is just one of the many industry experts at GTTSi – check us

out at www.gttsi.com or on LinkedIn at


Pictured is Larry and his 13-year-old granddaughter, who presented him with a 10- Year Anniversary clock on behalf of GTTSi. When he received his award, she said, “Thank you for all you do. We appreciate you so much and love you. We cherish you deeply; it’s clear your company does as well    ”
GTTSi Consultant Larry Gentry (burgundy shirt) providing instruction on the Davis- Besse Simulator with an Initial License Operator Training Class.