The most recent milestone at Vogtle units 3&4 are in completing the placement of Unit 4 CA04 reactor vessel cavity in June which weighed in at 29 tons. At unit 3, 72 of the 167 shield building panels are on site and are ready for assembly, these panels are made at Newport News Industrial and range from 2300 lbs. to 28,000 lbs. Shipments for these started in 2013 and will continue until next year.
Vogtle 3&4 is the largest job producing project in the state, currently employing 5,500 people and creating 800 permanent jobs when the plant begins operating, which is expected to happen in 2019 and 2020. Once complete, the Vogtle site will be the first 4 unit site in the US that will produce enough safe, reliable, affordable electricity to power 1,000,000 Georgia homes and businesses.