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  • By Admin
  • February 13, 2017

The ANS Conference – CONTE 2017 was a big hit again this year; starting off with the Super Bowl Opening Reception and finishing with the Closing Plenary Luncheon with Kim Marza, Vice President, Workforce Training, Education and Proficiency, INPO as the Speaker. 

Representatives from across the country, Japan, Korea, and China were there …… and we all had a GREAT time with plenty of good fellowship, cheer, and food to eat.  Pictured below is the entrance into the Vendor Booth area and the view across the river from our hotel. 

GTTSi employee Rob Brixey presented a Technical Session on FLEX Training for Engineers and Program Owners.

During the Plenary Awards Luncheon on Monday, Dr. Richard P. Coe (Thomas Edison State University) presented the Dr. Robert Long Training Excellence Award for Leadership and a Continuing Sustained Commitment to Excellence in Nuclear Training and Education both in the U.S. and Internationally to Dr. Gilbert Brown (University of Massachusetts Lowell) and Dr. Larry R. Foulke (University of Pittsburgh)

NRC Commissioner Robert Burns was a Plenary Speaker during our Luncheon on Tuesday describing the significance of training at our Nuclear Stations and our role as trainers to the safety of our operating plants.







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