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World Nuclear Energy Day

  • By Admin
  • December 2, 2020

Today, December 2, 2020, and each December 2nd thereafter will be World Nuclear Energy Day.  This day will be a celebration of nuclear energy and the people who make it happen.

The date was selected to acknowledge the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction and the start-up of the first commercial scale electric power reactor.  Fermi’s first nuclear reactor named the Chicago Pile-1 became the first to create a self-sustaining chain reaction on December 2, 1942.

Each year the World Nuclear Energy Day will highlight one key aspect of the nuclear energy and power industry.

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken center stage, and was chosen to celebrate the inspirational commitment of people involved this year, often thanklessly and tirelessly working to keep the lights on and the essential nuclear facilities operating smoothly. 

Here is a link to the site: https://worldnuclearenergyday.org/

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