The NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) is issuing Revision 10 to NUREG 1021, “Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors”. This revision will (1) add guidance for licensing of operators for new reactors; (2) add NUREG – 2103, “Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Westinghouse AP1000 Pressurized Water Reactors” and NUREG – 2104, ““Knowledge and Abilities Catalog for Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Advanced Boiling Water Reactors” as references; (3) add the Division of Construction Inspection and Operational Programs, Office of New Reactors as an operator licensing program office; (4) change the submission dates for licensed operator materials and correspondence; and (5) address a number of other issues.
Here are some of the specific changes:
1. The license applicant should not be able to predict or narrow the possible scope or content of the licensing examination based on the facility licensee’s examination practices other than those authorized by NUREG 1021, or in writing by the NRC. In other words, the facility licensee staff should not provide information to the applicants or licensed operators regarding examination content that would allow the test takers to either specifically or generally “predict” what test items will, or will not, be covered on the examination (e.g., the staff should not specify a certain exam bank to study if there is more than one version of the bank, or, the staff should not make general statements such as “Exam B will not overlap with Exam A”).
2. Materials used by the facility licensee to ensure operator competency now includes Severe Accident Management Guidelines.
3. Clarification to the applicant’s background and qualifications, including medical for application for a license.
4. Added a statement for the “Veteran Skills to Jobs Act” application to the licensing process.
5. Regulator Guide 1.8 (Revision 2 or 3) and the guidelines for education and experience issued by the National Academy for Nuclear Training (NANT) (not an accredited institution).
6. Cold License Eligibility.
7. Waiver Criteria.
8. Simulator Operating Exams and Verifiable Actions Guidelines.
9. Video recording of the administration of the simulator operating exams is encouraged if the simulator is equipped with properly functioning video and audio recording capability.
10. Personnel who are not NRC employees (e.g., representatives from the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) may observe the operating exams with prior approval from the NRR / NRO operator licensing program office. The chief examiner will control the observer’s activities in accordance with guidance provided by NRR / NRO.
11. Exam Development Guidelines (Develop the Outline).
12. NRC Examiner Review and the NRC Supervisory Review of the Exams.
13. And other minor changes not listed.